Nestled amidst the thriving community of White Rock, Ipswich lies this charming property by the renowned Gallery Group. Presenting the Co-Living Elmwood Estate, a haven built around family principles, harmoniously merging vibrant city life whilst preserving the tranquility of suburban living.
The property boasts a 3-bed, 3-bath, and 2-car garage layout, efficiently spread across 182m² of home space and an overall block size of 396m². A closer look reveals:
• 2550mm nominal ceiling height
• AAA-rated water-saving shower heads/tapware
• Complementary blend of carpet and vinyl plank flooring, excluding wet areas
• Insulated walls and roof for optimal energy savings
• Well-designed walk-in robe, amply sized for convenient storage
The affordable price doesn't compromise on quality, offering aspirational homeowners a chance at a beautiful property, without the worry of large deposits. Your journey with Elmwood isn't just a smart financial move – it's a commitment to a blossoming community that cherishes and upholds family values.
It's time to climb the property ladder without hesitation! Prepare yourself financially and bask in the solidarity and assurance of pre-approval for this promising property. Start visualising your future in this ideally situated, high-quality home, because you deserve to partake in this flourishing community. Embrace the chance to truly live at Co-Living Elmwood, where a house becomes a home.
When you buy a property through PublicSquare or switch to a mortgage after renting-to-own, you can use any broker or lender of your choice. However, it's always good to get a second opinion. As a registered mortgage broker, PublicSquare Lending specialises in finance for brand new properties, and can help you find the perfect home loan through a panel of over 35 bank, and non-bank, lenders.
Established 12 years ago, Gallery Group has become an industry leader creating luxury developments. With a dedicated team of over 500 staff and contractors, and a portfolio inclusive of 23 successful projects, they have expertly constructed 3,000+ domiciles. They intelligently marry land development, home building, and property management to provide a full-service client experience. Gallery Group’s commitment to their clients exceeds construction, they inspire a lifestyle. Their determination and adherence to quality have amounted to an impressive $4B+ worth of delivered value, making an indelible mark in the architecture industry. Gallery Group is not just about constructing properties; it’s about creating dreams.